2022 Robot: Hiccup

Our robot for 2022

  • 6 wheel tank drive, powered by 4 falcon 500s

    Top speed of 13.4 FPS, extremely high pushing power

    Modified west coast drive able to withstand falls

  • Dual vertical flywheels independently powered by individual falcon 500s

    2 position, pneumatically articulated hood

    Combination of hood articulation and flywheel speed control allow shooting from anywhere, including fender and launch zone

  • Can climb to any rung

    Two single stage elevator arms and two static arms with passive latching hooks

    Each winch is driven by a Falcon 500 and arms are moved back and forth with pneumatics

  • Through bumper intake

    Utilizes vex pro 2” mecanum wheels

    Powered by single falcon 500 with 2:1 belt reduction

    Extremely robust 2 layer polycarb design, reinforced with aluminum in high impact areas, aluminum beater bar protects wheels

    Fast pneumatic articulation helps prevent frame perimeter penalties

  • Written in Java and open source at our GitHub page.

    Assisted mobile shooter parameter tuning and data collection (FEATHER: Fast Electronic Accuracy Tuning Helper for Efficiency Refining)

    Automatic lineup and shooting with Limelight and LIDAR

    Drive camera with H.265 encoding in hardware