2019 Robot: Phineas
Our robot for 2019
6-wheel 2+4 tank drive with 6" wheels to traverse Hab platform
6 775pros in custom single-speed gearboxes with a top speed of 13 fps
Single stage to reach loading station, cargo ship, and 2nd level of rocket
2 NEO motors with position PID control to reach full height of 28 inches in less than one second
Motorized with pneumatic assist
Pivots down for floor acquisition of hatches and cargo
Extra-wide intake with mecanum wheels to quickly center cargo
Can intake from floor or from loading station
Photoelectric sensor to detect ball and automatically stop rollers
Pneumatically actuated grabber grabs center of hatch from floor or loading station
Spring-loaded pivot allows for misalignment
Extends past bumpers for scoring and pickup
Stows in compact package underneath cargo intake
Motorized arms with twin 775pros to lift against Hab platform
Rear pneumatic cylinder lowers wheels to lift back of the robot
Arm wheels connected to drivetrain with timing belts
High-traction wheels to increase grip against Hab plastic
NavX-MXP IMU for advanced pitch stabilization during climb
Can climb Hab Level 3 in under ten seconds
Written in Java using our library, ROOSTER
Automatic lineup using Limelight vision tracking
180-degree fisheye camera with H.264 streaming for high resolution and low latency during sandstorm and teleop